
Maximizing Solar Energy Benefits: Understanding Virginia Solar Panel Incentives, Programs, and Rebates

As the demand for clean, renewable energy sources continues to grow, solar power has emerged as a leading solution. In Virginia, the push towards solar energy is supported by a range of incentives, programs, and rebates designed to make solar power more accessible and affordable. This blog will explore the various Virginia solar panel incentives, the state’s solar panel program, and available rebates, helping you understand how you can benefit from going solar in the Old Dominion State.

Virginia Solar Panel Incentives

Virginia has introduced several incentives to encourage homeowners and businesses to adopt solar energy. These incentives are aimed at reducing the initial cost of solar panel installations and providing financial benefits over time.

Federal Solar Tax Credit

While not specific to Virginia, the federal solar tax credit, also known as the Investment Tax Credit (ITC), is one of the most significant incentives available. This credit allows you to deduct a substantial portion of your solar panel installation costs from your federal taxes. As of 2024, the ITC covers 30% of the cost of installing solar panels, which can result in significant savings.

Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SRECs)

Virginia’s Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SRECs) program allows solar panel owners to earn credits for the electricity they generate. These credits can be sold to utility companies that need to meet renewable energy targets, providing an additional revenue stream for solar panel owners. Each megawatt-hour of electricity your system produces earns you one SREC, which can be sold on the open market.

Property Tax Exemption

In Virginia, the value added to your property from solar panel installation is exempt from local property taxes. This means that even though solar panels can increase your property’s value, you won’t pay higher property taxes as a result. This incentive helps to offset the initial investment by ensuring long-term financial benefits.

Net Metering

Virginia’s net metering policy is a significant incentive for solar panel owners. This program allows you to feed excess electricity generated by your solar panels back into the grid in exchange for credits on your utility bill. During times when your panels produce more electricity than you use, these credits can accumulate and be used to offset future energy costs. Net metering maximizes the financial returns on your solar investment by ensuring you get full value for all the energy your system produces.

 Virginia Solar Panel Program

Virginia’s solar panel program is designed to streamline the process of adopting solar energy and to provide support for residents and businesses at every stage of their solar journey.

Virginia Clean Economy Act (VCEA)

The Virginia Clean Economy Act (VCEA) is a landmark piece of legislation that sets ambitious targets for renewable energy adoption, including solar power. The VCEA mandates that Virginia’s utilities generate 100% of their electricity from renewable sources by 2045. This law has created a robust market for solar energy, driving both investment and innovation in the solar sector.

Solarize Virginia

Solarize Virginia is a community-based program aimed at making solar power more affordable and accessible. The program offers free solar assessments, bulk purchasing discounts, and pre-vetted solar installers. By leveraging group buying power, Solarize Virginia can offer significant cost savings on solar panel installations. This program is ideal for homeowners looking to reduce their upfront costs and simplify the process of going solar.

VirginiaSAVES Green Community Program

The VirginiaSAVES Green Community Program provides low-cost financing for energy efficiency and renewable energy projects, including solar panel installations. This program is open to businesses, non-profits, and local governments, offering low-interest loans to finance solar projects. By reducing the financial barriers to solar adoption, VirginiaSAVES helps to promote the widespread use of solar energy across various sectors.

 Virginia Solar Rebates

While Virginia does not have a statewide solar rebate program, several local initiatives and utility-based programs offer rebates to support solar adoption.

Dominion Energy Solar Rebates

Dominion Energy, one of the largest utility providers in Virginia, offers a variety of incentives for solar panel installations. The company’s Solar Purchase Program allows customers to sell their solar-generated electricity back to Dominion at a premium rate. This program provides an additional financial incentive for installing solar panels, as you can earn more for the energy you produce.

Local Government Rebates

Some local governments in Virginia offer their own rebate programs to encourage solar energy adoption. For example, the City of Charlottesville provides rebates for solar panel installations on residential properties. These local programs vary in terms of eligibility and rebate amounts, so it’s essential to check with your local government to see what incentives are available in your area.

Agricultural Solar Rebates

The Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS) offers grants and rebates for agricultural businesses that install solar energy systems. These incentives are designed to help farmers and agribusinesses reduce their energy costs and increase sustainability. By investing in solar power, agricultural operations can lower their operating expenses and contribute to environmental conservation.

Benefits of Going Solar in Virginia

Investing in solar panels in Virginia offers numerous benefits beyond the immediate financial incentives, programs, and rebates.

Environmental Impact

Switching to solar energy reduces your carbon footprint and helps combat climate change. Solar panels generate clean, renewable energy without producing harmful emissions, contributing to a healthier environment for future generations.

 Energy Independence

Solar power allows you to generate your own electricity, reducing your reliance on utility companies and shielding you from fluctuating energy prices. With solar panels, you can achieve greater energy independence and security.

Increased Property Value

Homes equipped with solar panels typically see an increase in property value. Buyers are often willing to pay a premium for properties with solar installations, as they offer long-term energy savings and environmental benefits.


Virginia’s commitment to promoting solar energy through various incentives, programs, and rebates makes it an excellent time for residents and businesses to consider going solar. From financial savings to environmental benefits, solar power offers a compelling solution for those looking to invest in renewable energy.

If you’re interested in exploring how Virginia solar panel incentives, the Virginia solar panel program, and Virginia solar rebates can benefit you, visit Renew Energy. Our team of experts is here to guide you through the process and help you make the most of the available opportunities. Embrace the power of the sun and take the first step towards a sustainable, energy-independent future today.


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